Burned kitten reunited with rescuer after dramatic near-death experience

Burned kitten reunited with rescuer after dramatic near-death experience

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**Warning: Content may disturb some viewers**

On a dark winter night, Christian Canfield saw smoke and flames pouring from a house in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

As he got closer to film the burning house, he witnessed something utterly heartbreaking. As his camera rolled, he watched a young kitten jump away from the flames, into the snow and then into his arms.

He was heartbroken to see this desperate baby in so much pain, so he called her to him, picked her up and carried her to the fire department for immediate attention.

Watch her rescue below:

In an interview with the CBC, Canfield says she was “pretty burned out. You know an old fleece blanket after it’s had its life? That’s pretty much how she felt.”

After Canfield passed the injured kitten to the fire department, that was the last he saw of her.

The frightened kitten was treated at the Saskatoon SPCA for burns to her nose, ear tips and front legs. “She had a lot of injuries. (The clinic) took care of her, they bandaged her and then she was actually given to us and we monitored her care while she was with us,” said spokesperson Tricia McAuly.

Saskatoon SPCA

Canfield kept thinking about the little turtle he rescued that night. He searched Facebook for news about the kitten; he hoped someone would know what happened to her, but no news emerged.

Meanwhile, the SPCA was searching for the kitten’s rescuer, but it wasn’t until the kitten (now named Scarlett) appeared on their adoption page that Canfield realized she had recovered from her injuries.

Canfield and Scarlett were run into the SPCA the day before she was to be adopted by her forever family. Canfield was happy to see that the kitten had recovered and grateful for all the support in the reunion:

“I’m really happy that there are so many people who wanted to get me and the cat back together for one last reunion,” he said. “I’d love to take the cat, but I already have three and a dog,” he laughed.

Employees named the little survivor Scarlett after Gone with the wind character, Scarlett O’Hara.

“She’s super affectionate, she’s very rambunctious. She’s a six-month-old kitten so she’s very eager to cuddle and explore and she’s captured everyone’s heart here,” McAuley said.

(h/t CBC News)